Ensure Wage & Hour Compliance with EG

Protect your business from costly wage and hour disputes with proven compliance solutions.

  • Wage and Hour Litigation CAN Be Prevented
  • Both Compliance and Business Needs CAN Be Met
  • Compliance and Labor Cost Controls CAN Work Together Successfully
  • Compliance CAN Actually Save Your HR, Payroll, and Management Teams Time

Wage and hour disputes cost businesses over $1 billion annually in settlements and penalties.

Schedule a cost-effective evaluation and review with us!

Build a Strong Wage & Hour Compliance Chain

We Produce Measurable Reductions in Litigation Risk


Wage and Hour litigation prevention is dependent on components that work like links in a chain. If one link is weak or broken, the employer is at risk. Employer’s Guardian builds strong compliance chains for our clients. A quick review of the Compliance Chain Components makes it clear that success is dependent on the strength of each link.


HR Policy and Document Management

Alignment: Policies and Documents Aligned with Business & Regulatory Requirements

Wage and Hour Process Design

Operational Excellence: Designing Processes That Prevent Risk


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Training Wage and Hour Participants

Knowledge is Power: Everyone on the Compliance Team


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Payroll Service Involvement

Seamless Integration: Payroll & HR Working Together


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Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Stay Ahead of the Curve: Real-Time Compliance Monitoring


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Wage and Hour Expertise

Expertise You Can Trust: Wage & Hour Specialists


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Compliance Chain Components

HR Policy and Document Management

 Alignment: Policies and Documents Aligned with Business & Regulatory Requirements
Challenge: Employers struggle to update the dozens of policies and documents to keep them in alignment with shifting regulatory changes and evolving business practices. In fact, conflicts between outdated policies and documents with regulations are a leading cause of wage and hour litigation.
Solution: At EG, we take the complexity out of policy and document management. Our experts craft, update, and maintain HR policies, forms, enrollment documents, and notices— to keep in alignment with the latest labor laws, from wage notices to arbitration agreements.

Training Wage and Hour Participants

 Knowledge is Power: Everyone on the Compliance Team
Challenge: Solid policies and strong processes won’t produce compliant results if participants are not effectively trained. Employees, managers, payroll administrators, and HR all have responsibilities related to recording time worked, meal and rest periods, approvals, timesheet corrections, and more. Not training almost guarantees litigation risk, but it is so hard to create all the training courses, keep them up to date, and ensure everyone stays current with training. 
Solution: EG’s proprietary Learning Management System manages training demands by position, for new employees, and annually. Courses are tailored to meet business needs and compliance demands.  Trained employees are more efficient and less likely to file lawsuits. 

Wage and Hour Process Design

 Operational Excellence: Designing Processes That Prevent Risk
Challenge: Compliant policies and updated documents won’t produce a compliant outcome unless well designed processes are created. Too often we task those with little experience in process design to build solutions and expect litigation risks to be minimized. Unfair and commonly ineffective. 
Solution: Employer’s Guardian Designs Processes to Ensure Actions of Employees, Administrators, and Managers Align with Policies and Regulatory Requirements. As regulations evolve, processes are updated. Those with well-established processes are 60% less likely to encounter litigation

Payroll Service Involvement

 Seamless Integration: Payroll & HR Working Together
Challenge: Sadly, but understandably, most employers mistakenly believe that payroll services are partners in ensuring compliance. This misconception is fueling litigation. Effective wage and hour compliance requires active involvement from payroll services.  
Solution: EG’s payroll services are amazing. Payroll and HR work in unison to keep policies, regulatory requirements, and payroll systems working in alignment to produce compliant outcomes. The industry-leading UKG payroll platform is configured to meet business needs and compliance demands.

Wage and Hour Expertise

 Expertise You Can Trust: Wage & Hour Specialists
Challenge: Too often, employers underestimate the technical demands required to build, deploy, maintain, and monitor an effective wage and hour program. This misconception strains many HR Generalists who work long hours trying to protect the company with mixed results. All that time could have been dedicated to improving hiring processes, reducing turnover, or other high-return endeavors.
Solution: EG’s wage and hour program is led by specialists with deep expertise in compliance, labor laws, and litigation prevention.

Monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

 Stay Ahead of the Curve: Real-Time Compliance Monitoring
Challenge: Employers know that attaining consistently great results only happens when processes are monitored, feedback is consistent, and adjustments are made timely. Even with so much risk being on the line, employers struggle to develop metrics that monitor the effectiveness of their wage and hour processes. Without monitoring, employers can feel like they are on a litigation treadmill.  
Solution: With EG’s Wage and Hour Program, has multiple KPI measured through dashboards that monitor the health of your wage and hour program. These include meal and rest period compliance, working off the clock protections, and more. Reoccurring wage and hour audits measure the level of compliance being produced.

Strategic Legal Partnerships: Enhancing Compliance Through Collaboration

Challenge: Navigating the complexities of wage and hour laws requires specialized legal expertise. Even minor missteps can lead to costly litigation and substantial financial penalties for businesses.

Solution: At EG, we believe in the power of strategic legal partnerships. By collaborating with attorneys like you, we provide our clients with the most robust and legally sound wage and hour compliance solutions. Together, we can ensure that policies and processes are not just compliant but resilient against potential litigation, offering a comprehensive shield for businesses.




Join our network of trusted attorney partners and help us protect businesses from costly compliance pitfalls while enhancing your practice with a valuable referral partnership.

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is wage and hour compliance?

Wage and hour compliance ensures your business meets legal requirements related to employee pay, working hours, overtime, and meal/rest breaks.

How can EG help prevent wage and hour litigation?

EG’s comprehensive approach includes HR policy management, process design, training, and monitoring to ensure full compliance, reducing your risk of costly lawsuits.

What’s the most common cause of non-compliance?

The biggest issues often stem from outdated HR policies, lack of proper payroll configurations, and untrained employees. EG tackles all these problems with tailored solutions.

Can I integrate EG’s solutions with my existing payroll provider?

Absolutely! EG’s solutions integrate seamlessly with our UKG payroll platform or your existing system to ensure compliance across the board.

How often do I need to update my compliance processes?

We recommend continuous monitoring and annual reviews to stay ahead of regulatory changes. EG ensures all updates are handled promptly.

Ready to Protect Your Business?

Don’t wait for a wage and hour violation to strike—take proactive steps today. Schedule a consultation or download valuable resources to safeguard your business.